Thursday, April 21, 2005

Awesome Marketing

Khem's blog has brought this sad, sad marketing by Mickey-Ds to my attention.

I think they are very confused indeed. Almost seems like they are quite desparate - it may be the end of the globalization boom of the golden arches perhaps, I mean what do they got, not much. But I won't count my schadefreunde chickens before they are hatched. Fortunately the C&J thread at cheered me up with this
or maybe it was this .
No, on second thought I don't think either of those did the trick. What's up with that wood one?

I think it was probably this marketing for world peace that cheered me up... .
Lastly (and not totally out of left field because I mentioned chickens earlier but) apparently Khem is getting a chicken. I'm jealous.

For those in A2, don't forget Wiffleball tonight (see 2 posts back).


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