Slow Food Huron Valley Meet-Up

Slow Food Huron Valley has been upgraded, both virtually and non-virtually. Lots of activities this year, including movie viewings, farmers market walks, and farm tours, all on top of a gorgeously remodeled website.
Plus, Slow Food Huron Valley is teaming up with Growing Hope and a host of local organizations to host the Sustainable Table's only stop in Michigan on their national local, sustainable food tour! It will be September 1st and they are called it Pie Lovers Unite! A Sustainable Table and Pie Across America Hootenanny! So stay tuned for that.
Don't know what all this talk about Slow Food is... well check it out. Great group - movement really - that I've been a member and supporter of for a bit now.
So come meet up with like minded folks... Slow Food Huron Valley is having a Meet-up tomorrow, Wednesday July 18th at Grizzly Peak at 5:30pm. Just ask the hostess for the Slow Food table.
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