Shannon's All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party

It's nearly upon us!! All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve: The Party - costume required! Saturday, October 29th, after 8pm. 810 Sunrise Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
You and anyone you would like to invite also are cordially invited to our All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party. Come celebrate fall colors, fall harvest, the fabulous year since the last party and of course Halloween. There will be refreshment including local beer, homebrews, apple cider, various apple related snacks (bobbing optional), pumpkin pie, and more. As an added bonus, there will also be taste tests of freshly harvested baby greens currently enduring their first season in the Brines Farm Hoophouse! Halloween costumes are mandatory and we will be voting on the best costumes (between 10-11pm) - winners will receive real prizes (of real value). There will also be the All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party DanceOFF and the All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party StarSURCH. So come ready to get your groove on - on our highly esteemed particle board dance floor - And bring your guitar, harmonica, bagpipes, singing voice, tap shoes, drama routine, poetry, or whatever to compete - winners will receive a real prize (of real value). There's a lot going on that weekend but what other party is offering this much with no cover charge and real prizes of real value. Seriously, you'll regret it if you miss it, so hit this party and you'll still have time to catch that other party later on, go back to your party, or go waste money at a club, etc., etc..
Detailed directions here.
Party FAQs (under construction, email me your Qs)
Q: Do I have to wear a costume?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it okay if my costume sucks then?
A: Yes. But you will have less of a chance of winning a real prize of real value.
Q: I don't know what to be.
A: Is that a question? Do you mean when you grow up?
Q: I don't know what to be for your stupid party. Any costume ideas?
A: Ah, yes. Let's just say, thinking of a cool costume can be a challenge these days (not to say that getting older can zap ones creativity). But we've solved your problems. For those undecideds, we have a theme. Simply create a costume that fits Angry Andy.arg Clueless's clues of his mysterious costume. That way you get a costume and as an added bonus get to steal some of the thunder of his costume (although in truth you will simply accentuate the mystique of that which is already ascended to the 8th wonder of the world ).
Q: How come this sounds an awful lot like last year's All Hallow's Eve Eve Party?
A: Hmmm, I'd say it's just mere coincidence that the All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party sounds an awful lot like last year's All Hallow's Eve Eve Party, which was a smashing success by at least one account mind you.
Q: Do I have to partake in the All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party DanceOFF or the Arll Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party StarSURCH competitions?
A: Yes. Your really should. It would be fun and you would have another chance to win a real prize of real value.
Q: What are these real prizes of real value?
A: It's a secret. I don't even know.
Q: Do I have to bring any food or drink?
A: No, unless I've begged you for something specific. You may of course bring some food or drink to share - there is a fall harvest theme going if you can match that.
Q: Who are you?
A: Thanks for asking. I'm the guy who's having the All Hallow's Eve Eve Eve Party you are going to Saturday October 29th and who last year had a coincidently named All Hallow's Eve Eve Party that was a smashing success. It's okay if you don't really know me, you can still come. You probably know someone who knows me. Some of you know me as the guy who manages the ESA Lab at SNRE, some of you know me as the guy with a small hoophouse farm up and running on the side of my day job, and some of you just know me other ways. I guarantee a nice diverse crowd.
Q: Can I get a ride home if I need to?
A: Yes. Unless you live too far away, then, you can sleep on the carpeted floor and I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning.
Q: Why'd you have your party the same night as mine?
A: Well last year there were no hard feelings, truly, just happened. But this year I would have thought you would have caught on. My party is just superior. The timing of mine is such that you can still stop by, your guests won't miss you.
Q: I live in another state, do you really expect me to come?
A: Yes. Of course, I also expect COS indictments followed by impeachment so what do I know.
Q: Will your costume have any relevance to a certain show you allegedly watch tuesdays on a certain crappy network that has a frog mascot?
A: I'm certain I have no idea what you are talking about. As an added bonus however (all these added bonuses!) I heard a rumour that Las Vegas has 2:1 odds that my costume will incorporate plaid and/or flannel.
Q: What is all this talk about a hoophouse?
A: Oh, nothing really. I just constructed with the help of my loyal and dedicated friends and family a hoophouse, passive solar greenhouse, that is providing the Ann Arbor area with the best freshest baby greens and salad mix this winter. For more details see
Q: Seriously, what are these real prizes of real value?
A: Seriously, I'm not going to tell you. Do you know nothing about building suspense? You can try guessing if you think you know me well. All I'll say is that their "retail value" may exceed $100 (or it may not this year, hard to tell).
Q: Are you aware Michigan is playing Northwestern that night starting at 7/7:30? Will the game be on?
A: I am aware and to miss a game this year when every game has the potential to be crazily crazy would be blasphemous. It will be on, likely upstairs on a fairly sizeable color tv, but I can't guarantee projected onto a wall or anything.
Q: As part of the StarSURCH competition can a talent simply be the most obnoxious Michigan fan and the entire evening of my screaming and yelling be mine (I mean
any potential candidate's talent)?
A: I'll say that talent may be entered into the StarSURCH competition and reviewed by the judging committee. I will also say that I do believe one person has a "corner on the market" of that talent.
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