Last Wednesday I attended another event also at the AADL multi-purpose room titled From Ewe to You. They also recorded that one so it will eventually be posted at the library's video on demand list as well. It was a neat discussion from 2 farmers that raise various breeds of sheep in the area and a third panelist who spins from various fiber. I've always been excited about the idea of having livestock and particularly generating products from the fiber from the livestock. Plus, it's nice to have the connection to the history of sheep and spinning that Washtenaw County has. I knew that we were the biggest sheep county in the state. I didn't know that we use to be the second biggest sheep county in the nation back about 1900. Apparently, Washtenaw County being at a key juncture point for trains west was a big staging area for livestock heading out on trains and then people decided to just go ahead and raise the sheep (whether to keep or ship) right here in the county since it has rolling hills, a good river, and green pastures.
Anyway, I don't have the time for livestock currently but it is very exciting to see people continuing the historical traditions of our area. There is even a group that meets once a month regarding all things spinning... they are appropriately named The Spinner's Flock. Some of you might want to check them or some of their sales (I think they just had one) out. According to their website and literature:
Anyway, I don't have the time for livestock currently but it is very exciting to see people continuing the historical traditions of our area. There is even a group that meets once a month regarding all things spinning... they are appropriately named The Spinner's Flock. Some of you might want to check them or some of their sales (I think they just had one) out. According to their website and literature:
We are a group of enthusiastic, friendly and welcoming individualists who practice and promote the art and craft of handspinning, while spreading the word on the wonders of Michigan grown fibers. In addition to those who raise the various breeds of sheep, membership now also includes those who raise angora goats (mohair), llama, alpaca, and angora rabits.

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