Genius ... or.... Lucky?
Okay for those of you lamenting the fact that we have to wait til January for new Gilmore Girls episodes, some entertainment questions for you... On this 25th anniversary of John Lennon's unfortunate shooting, was John Lennon a genius? For that matter, how about Johnny Cash? Or The King? Some would argue that these people were more lucky for lack of a better word, in the right place at the right time. Some might even concede they had talent but stress what was more important was that things fell into place for whatever reasons and they received the opportunity to communicate to the world. Perhaps there was a void and the record labels filled it? It begs to question, how much does luck and timing have to do with it? How many other John Lennons and Elvises has the world been deprived of? What would have become of Buddy Holly had he not died at such an early age in that fateful plane crash over Iowa? (Perhaps not much more because 'the man' didn't think he had Elvis's looks. Why does 'the man' have so much power surrounding who gets to communicate to the world?) Seriously, are the writers of GG geniuses or did they luck out and there was a void of teleplays with witty/clever character banter at the time and people were willing to tune to a station with a frog mascot? Anyway, this may not be philosophically worth the discussion (or worth a damn for that matter)... but I do put this to the world, is there a genius inside everyone or are you only a genius if you are able to communicate your inner genius to the world?
Either way, you are certainly free to enjoy the works of these geniuses and others who were and are definitely only human. Enjoy John Lennon many places today including

images from,,, and respectively
Either way, you are certainly free to enjoy the works of these geniuses and others who were and are definitely only human. Enjoy John Lennon many places today including

images from,,, and respectively